segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

Dog Mendonça e Pizzaboy

Last week, I finally got to buy the second volume of the adventures of two portuguese comic book heroes, Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy. To put you up to speed, Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy are the main characters of what's probably the most popular portuguese comic these days, and they're a creation of my hyper-talented friend Filipe Melo. Filipe worked with the awesome Juan Cavia and Santiago Villa to bring these characters to life in some of the funniest comic adventures you'll ever read. They're so much fun that I made this drawing for Filipe and the team.

The second volume - "The Extraordinary Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy II - Apocalipse"- was just published in Portugal, but fear not - if you want to get to know these guys, pick up Dark Horse Presents #4, 5 and 6, and there you'll find a new Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy adventure.


4 comentários:

  1. Onde é que se arranja o DH presents, sabes?

    Ainda vou ter de esperar mais de uma semana para conseguir comprar o livro :S

  2. A última vez que estive na Mundo Fantasma eles tinham lá, pareceu-me. Mas não cheguei a comprar. Em todo o caso, mesmo se fores lá e não tiverem, devem encomendar na boa!

  3. Hm, vou experimentar numa loja de comics perto de minha casa, cá na terra.

  4. Acho que não deves ter dificuldade em encontrar por aí :)
