sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

Hammer Killer - page 2

Hey, guys!

Here's the second page of my 3-page epic (ah!) comic of the Hammer Killer. My original black and white version of this page was exhibited on the International Comics Festival of Beja, so I don't have it with me right now to take a photo of the inks and post it. But anyway, here's the colored version and a photo of my little niche in Beja. Enjoy!

Enjoy, and stay tuned for the third page!
P.S. I'm sorry for posting this in portuguese only, but I believe the hammering to be an universal language (I'm kidding, I've just been incredibly busy and didn't get around to translate it. I hope to do it sometime!).

3 comentários:

  1. A página tá muito louca Carla... os teus desenhos são espectaculares!! (or should i say...awesome).

    um abraço.

  2. Muito obrigada, ainda bem que tens gostado destas páginas :D High five!

  3. Parabéns, está muito bom!
